Feminism is jaundiced


My Comment:
Women’s rights advocates will always want to break up families to please their jaundiced eyes. People like these want the entire population to have broken up families. Her statements clearly show her intentions. Also she admits that gender biased laws were created just to break up patriarchy. Nowhere has she talked of any real issues faced by women.It is time they reviewed their hate mongering ideology.

The Politics of Hate

A new social evil is fast becoming apparent. Everywhere we see posters and ads and banners and TV shows sanctimoniously showing the phrase “STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN” endorsed by celebrities and politicians and all the other dimes and nickels.

So its the fashion statement of the century. Wonderful. So which woman or man does not want to repeat it. Lets put the phrase under the sunlight for just a moment. “STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN”. Now the questions that really need to be asked is in what is NOT being said.

Does it mean we should not stop VIOLENCE AGAINST MEN?
Does it mean only men commit VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN?
Does it imply that there have been no women criminals till date?
Does it not imply that it is OK to commit VIOLENCE AGAINST MEN?

The SVAW campaign is like saying “Stop Violence against the right eye only”; Who is to speak for the left eye or for the other body parts. These morons who shout from the rooftops or start ringing the neighbour’s bell must first ask themselves these questions?

Am I not born of a mother AND a father?
Am I not part of the human race which is made possible by both genders?

And if they cannot convince themselves of saying yes, we can leave them in their twisted mental cages.

Criminal Intimidation of women by proclaimed champions of women

On 21/Oct/2009, a leading Indian human rights activist Uma Challa was threatened by a phone caller on a live TV discussion at TV5 channel studio. Uma Challa is an emerging voice of reason and a beacon of hope for a very marginalized and rapidly growing section of women who have been the object of hate and false persecution by gender specific and biased laws intended to appease wives only.

This episode has brought a few facts in the open.
  • That the proclaimed champions of womens rights do not have the mandate to speak for the entire gender. It is not even their intention to do so.
  • While they employ divisive, hypocritical and apparently conceited concepts like “Stop Violence Against Women”, they show no compunction in employing hate and criminal intimidation tactics to suppress women who speak out against their brand of bigotry.
  • That their ideology is based entirely on hate and stems from a deep rooted fear of life and wholesome living.
The Background:

NCW is anti-men and anti-women

My comments on PTI news
On the surface, it seems like NCW is unable to contain its hatred for men. However, it is more to justify its own existence than concern for women. On one hand NCW seeks dignity and equality for women and on the other hand it promotes financial dependency of women on men. This is being done by creating and maintaining maintenance and alimony laws that promote and make permanent a victim mindset among women. At best it is promoting a whole gender into practising legalized begging and extortion, instead of promoting an environment of self reliance and dignity. NCW is causing more harm than good towards women. It is time women realized this and took action against NCW.

Launch of All India Men’s Welfare Association

Since the beginning of the human race, men have taken the role of the provider and the protector of family. Perhaps, for this reason, society thinks that there is no need to protect the protector. Perhaps, it is for this reason today, that men’s rights are being taken for granted.
The Constitution of India guarantees us Equal Rights to men and women under the law. Our Constitution also has an Article to look into the making of special provisions for women. While this may appear fair enough, these special provisions are being misused to make blatantly biased laws against men. These laws and provisions are trampling upon the fundamental right to life and liberty. These laws are being used to divide the human race into two. These laws are being used to extort.
Unable to bear this unfair pressure, 56000 men are committing suicide each year. But today, society has no time nor the inclination to think and reflect upon this.
So many families are being sent to jail each day just on the strength of one accusation.
Men are automatically branded as culprits and made to pay maintenance and alimonies, inspite of the fact that men and women are declared equal as per the Constitution of India.
There is no voice in India to talk about these crimes being committed against men. While there is even a ministry for animal welfare, we do not even have any government platform to even listen to the issues of boys and men.
Today we are launching the All India Men’s Welfare Association to mark a milestone in history. Our voice shall raise. Our message shall be heard.
Our demands are as follows.
  • A Ministry for Men’s Welfare to allocate funds, resources and nation wide programs for the betterment of men. This Ministry must also be responsible for removing bias against men during the formulating Bills and existing Acts and Laws.
  • A National Commission for Men to investigate root causes and sources of bias against men.

And to that effect, we will make our efforts to spread awareness among the suffering public.


My speech at the launch of DV Awareness Month- Press Conference

I am assuming that apart from your careers, when you go back home, you will find yourself in the role of parents, brothers, sisters and children. This is to say that family life is the center of our lives. Any danger or harm to any member of our family hurts the rest of the family, and we, as common citizens, rest our faith in the law enforcement and justice system, laws and procedures, to protect us and our families from harm. What happens when you find out that you and your family members are not eligible for protection just because you happen to be a man or a blood relative of a man?

The Constitution of India guarantees us the Right to Equality under Article 14. But Indian laws against domestic violence do not treat men and women as equals, reminding us of George Orwell’s Animal Farm where “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”.

In fact, these laws do not even treat ALL women equally. This is due to the fact that these laws see women in only one role. And it is the role of a wife. They see women only as wives. So, daughters, sisters, mothers & grandmothers are being sent to jails along with their sons, brothers and grandsons. They are being thrown out of their homes on the strength of a single unproven accusation.

We are witnessing an unprecedented rise in Human Rights abuse through the enactment and execution of a few laws instituted in the name of empowerment of women.

In an effort to end this discrimination under law and to ensure equal protection for men and women against all forms of abuse, we, the members of Save Indian Family Foundation, All India Forgotten Women, Rishtey and Children’s Rights Initiative for Shared Parenting are launching a month-long awareness programme….http://dvawareness-india.blogspot.com/