Alimony is Ransom

We have many words for money not earned. Among other words, Ransom, Extortion, Dowry, Alimony & Maintenance based on the context. However, the concept of forcing by threat of life or litigation; any party to part with their life savings or their projected life savings is the same irrespective of the word used. The underlying element is illegal force, for no man may be forced to live for another.
Simply speaking, the first three words, Ransom, Extortion and Dowry are explicitly classified as illegal by law. But illegal force is not just something that happens outside the law. Sometimes the law can also be illegal. As is the classic and contemporary case of IPC 498A, DV Act and many Maintenance Laws. By forcing any man to part with money to any woman on just the basis of the fact that he is the husband or seemingly the husband or simply accused to be the husband, with the threat of state sponsored force, is itself an act of illegal force under the pretense of law and justice.
To wrap it up, Alimony is equal to Ransom & Maintenance is equal to Extortion.

India joins International Legal Terrorism Club

With Shoaib Malik’s passport being seized by the police in India, this fair country has joined the ranks of terrorist groups who have no compunction in unleashing their twisted ideologies and hatred against another classification of people….in this case the classification happens to be men.

Even men of other nationalities are not spared the trauma of being incarcerated(not yet in Malik’s case, but the pain of being defamed and accused in public is just the same). The prime postulate under any law, presumed innocent unless proven guilty, is the first victim under my fair country’s legal march against men.
Will the US’ war against terrorism include the legal terrorism being exported from India, or will the US support the feminist and gender biased I-VAWA?
Will sports personalities continue to blindly endorse the feminist Taliban of so-called ‘Violence Against Women’?